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Your Instagram Bio Matters- Here's How to Fix It

Think of your bio as your first impression. One of the biggest mistakes is to overlook the importance of a good bio. It’s your chance to gain followers, get website clicks and increase sales. There are several ways to enhance your account bio:

Call to action What do you want your visitors to do after seeing your page? Book now? Follow for giveaways? Sign up for your webinar? Make sure to include it and update when needed.

Show Personality Is there an emoji perfect for your company? (probably). Embrace it. The bio only allows 150 characters so if an emoji can say it in 1 instead of 5, take advantage and save some space. Use phrases, hashtags and words that show the visitor who you are and what they can expect. This is where you get to highlight what makes you special and why people should care/follow/invest in you.

Include Your Contact Info The only place links are allowed is in the website link. All other contact info you want everyone to see should be included in the bio. Do you have hours of operation? It should be there too.

Update your website frequently Direct links to purchase, a sign up list on your website or the shortcut to book appointments are all examples of how you can update the website in your profile regularly. If you’re promoting something specific in a post, update your website to go along with it.

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